AuroraFox (Browser) for Mac PowerPC

AuroraFox 10.5 Fx for Mac PowerPC

Just browsing around this morning, I came across some pretty sweet news, Aurora (Mozilla Project) just released a browser for PowerPC users called AuroraFox 10.5Fx!!  Needless to say, I immediately downloaded AuroraFox and launched it, but for some unknown reason, it seems not to work on PowerPC G5 machines only.  I posted the news on Mac PowerPC’s Facebook page and some of the G4 users tried Aurora and it did work for them, and it apparently works fine.  I’d really like to share more information with my Mac PowerPC readers, but I don’t have a G4 machine and usually I like to test all the apps/software before I post them here, but this time I won’t be able to do so.  I think AuroraFox is a great browser and will be a breath of life that we PowerPC users have been waiting for, to keep our machines alive and working.

* AuroraFox (10.5Fx – Free) PowerPC 10.5 Leopard – or

* You can check the comments at